Work experience

This week saw us take on a Work Experience student by the name of Noah, 17 years of age Noah was keen to see what it's like running your own production company.

Day one was a chance to show Noah around the equipment and teach him how to make a basic video, so naturally I took to the other side of the lens and jumped into my character of Jerry the Gardener to showcase how to make a basic promotional video. 

We started with the interview, using a boom microphone + lapel to showcase the different audio options available then we looked at lens choice and finally composition. We then sat down to make a punchy and impactful edit, something I think is critical to making a video watchable. No one wants a video with potentially dry subject matter to be made more boring by the video editing!

The next few days were spent shooting for an up and coming E Bike brand who will be releasing their product over the coming months. Acting as the Director Of Photography for another production company it was our job to be in charge of all the camera gear & shots that were achieved. 

Kelly looking out over a beautiful sunset in the Peak District. 

Kelly looking out over a beautiful sunset in the Peak District. 

The three days saw us shooting in Nottingham City Centre & the Peak District to showcase what the bike is capable of. The full film is now in post production, I will post it below when it's completed.

The final day was spent shooting for Rob Welch's latest edit, see the previous blog posts for all the information about that!

All in all I think Noah had a great time on work experience with us, it's felt good to show some up and coming talent what's possible if you work hard. 




Nico Turner